Friday, October 19, 2018

The #1 Reason Most Diets Fall – & What You Can Do to Ensure You Lose Weight & Keep It Off!

There’s a simple reason why most diets fail — they do not produce results fast enough.
It’s no fun to eat small portions of food that don’t satisfy our hunger cravings. It’s no fun to go to the gym day after day — and when you are doing all of this and the scale is barely budging, it can be incredibly discouraging.
It can make you want to give up altogether or try a different plan.
Personal trainer and health and nutrition coach Brian Flatt has seen this scenario play out again and again and it has affected the way he approaches weight loss with his clients.
“For a diet to be successful, I truly believe that the diet must produce visible and significant results fast,” Flatt said. “When the dieter sees real results quickly, he or she becomes more engaged. And when I can get the dieter engaged by seeing real results, a ‘snowball effect’ occurs; results get better and better as dieters see themselves getting leaner and leaner.”
To help dieters lose weight fast and avoid falling victim to discouragement, Flatt has created a new diet program that he calls The 4 Week Diet. He is now making this program available online to the general public because of the amazing success his clients have had with it.
“On this program, dieters notice favorable body composition changes in the first couple of days,” Flatt said. “In the very first week alone, dieters are likely to see in the neighborhood of 10 pounds of fat stripped away from their body. Their clothes will be looser, they will feel lighter and they’ll feel 10 times better.”
So why is Flatt’s program able to produce such rapid weight loss?
The 4 Week Diet focuses on providing dieters with only the essential nutrients that their body needs for good health and proper functioning, while eliminating all those nutrients that slow or even stop them from burning fat.
More specifically, the diet program addresses a body’s hormones, and how those hormones affect the body’s ability to burn fat and lose weight. Dieters get a specifically tailored, step-by-step blueprint that tells them what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat for the absolute best weight loss results.
The program also utilizes several supplements that — in combination with the diet — helps users recruit body fat to be burned for fuel, maintain their lean body mass, and increase their metabolism.
All of this is included in a simple, straightforward, step-by-step presentation that doesn’t require a doctorate to follow.
“It’s true that fast results are the key to sustained weight loss, but a successful weight loss program must also be easy to follow,” Flatt said. “Complicated, overly stringent plans drive people away.”
So to recap, according to Flatt, if you really want to lose weight and keep it off, you need a plan that both produces fast results and is easy to follow.
He believes that he has created that program with The 4 Week Diet. To learn more about the program and determine if it could be the solution that allows you to finally lose weight and keep it off, click here

The #1 Reason Most Diets Fall – & What You Can Do to Ensure You Lose Weight & Keep It Off!

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